全国服务热线 18575511871




深圳市盛顺物流有限公司是经深圳市工商局、交通局、及外经贸委批准的国家一级国际货物运输及货运代理的企业。 公司同时持有北京交通部及美国联邦海事委员会(FMC)批核"NVOCC"无船承运人资质证书。同时持有美国海关(CBP)认可C3 及 Continous Bond可发送 "自动舱单系统"(AMS) 及 "进口商安检申报"(ISF) 。通过我们物流和全球货运管理系统,我们提供全面的解决方案,全程把控从客户的产品离开工厂,到它到达消费者手中的时间。我们在整个全球供应链和零售行业的知识和网络使我们能够洞察为客户创造长期的合作解决方案。我们并不只是把东西从一个地方搬到另一个地方。我们分析每个客户的需求,预测,并为客户制定设计方案,制定应急计划,我们的主营业务涵盖:

1. 海运集装箱运输

2. 危险品、特种箱、油罐箱、散杂货等货物运输

3. 香港及珠江三角洲转运货物

4. 货物仓储、保管、分货、派送等服务

5. 代理报关、代办商检、植检及各种检验证书(如品质检验,卫检)

6. 三角贸易、异地签单等服务

7. 国际货物门到门一条龙运输送货服务

8. 保险、DDU和DDP服务

9.Sourcing and Buyer consulting

公司与各大航运企业(EMC、TS、KMTC、NYK、MCC、CMA、APL、YML、RCL、HJ、MSK、 PIL、 Wan Hai、 ANL等)有着长年合作关系,航线 覆盖香港、东南亚、中东印巴、日韩、欧洲、美国、加拿大、中南美、加勒比海、非洲、红海、澳洲等地区。

“为客户节省所有的采购成本“  “我们为你想的更多“  ”货物随时安心托付,国内国外极速运达“是盛顺服务客户的精神。秉承货物安心托付;产品资源交互的原则,在货代公司基础上完善进出口全产业链资源整合,打通贸易,运输,财务,等一系列环节,做到全方位服务进出口企业。


English version :


Shenzhen Kapoklog Logistics co,Ltd. is a first-class international freight transportation and freight forwarder approved by Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce, Transportation Bureau, and Foreign Economic and Trade Commission of Shenzhen. The company also holds the the "NVOCC" qualification certificate approved by the Ministry of Communications of the Beijing and the United States Federal Maritime Administration (FMC).

Besides, the company holds C3, AMS, and ISF recognized by the United States customs in the US.

Our headquartered in Shenzhen, has a perfect proxy network of main ports in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, South America, North America, Japan and South Korea and Taiwan,Through in-county logistics and global freight management, we provide holistic, integrated solutions that spans the time the product leaves the factory to the time it reaches the hands of the consumer. Our knowledge and network along the entire global supply chain and retail industry give us insight into creating long-term solutions for our customers. We’re not just about moving things from one place to another. We analyze each customer’s needs, anticipate challenges, design options and set up contingency plans so our customers never have to worry about the journey. 

Learn more about what we do and how we connect the supply chain to bring our customers the goods they rely on every day. The main business covers:

1. container transport by sea

2. dangerous goods, special cases, oil tank, bulk cargo transportation

3. goods transshipment in Hongkong and the Pearl River Delta

4. warehousing, storage, distribution, delivery and other services

5. customs declaration agency,commodity inspection agency, plant inspection and a variety of inspection certificates (such as quality inspection, sanitary inspection)

6. triangular trade, offsite signing and other services

7. international freight one-stop transportation and delivery door to door services  

8. insurance, DDU and DDP services

9. Sourcing and Buyer consulting

The Company has a long-term cooperative relations with major shipping companies (EMC, TS, KMTC, NYK, MCC, CMA, APL, YML, RCL, HJ, MSK, PIL, Wan, Hai, ANL) , and its routes cover Hongkong, Southeast Asia, India and the Middle East, Japan and South Korea, Europe and the United States, Canada, South America and the Caribbean the sea, the Red Sea, Africa, Australia and other regions. "Saving all the purchasing cost for customers”; "Thinking more for customers"; “Entrusting goods without any concerns, quick delivery domestic and overseas“ are our main service tenet。

Adhering to the principle of mutual trust; product resources exchange, based on freight forwarding business, Shenzhen Kapoklog Logistics co, Ltd. offers an all-around service to achieve a full access of trade, transportation, finance and many other services. by improving and integrating the whole industry chain of import and export.



Jaydon Kim




Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China.Spring Road, Luohu District, 1005 United Building, Floor12.


一般经营项目是:海上、陆路、航空国际货运代理、 国内货运代理、 搬运装卸、 物流信息咨询 、国内贸易、货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规或者国务院决定禁止和规定在登记前须经批准的项目除外),许可经营项目是:无船承运业务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)
100万人民币 (万元)


  • 地址:深圳 深圳市龙岗区南湾街道丹竹头社区草堆街9号C栋102(注册地址)
  • 邮编:518000
  • 电话:0755-25105361
  • 联系人:Jaydon
  • 手机:18575511871
  • QQ:897536363
  • Email:897536363@qq.com